Thursday, June 5, 2008

Addendum: Irish Rock Cafe

We decided that after last night we needed a low key night, so we saw an ad for an Irish Rock Cafe and thought it would be a good idea to go, have some dinner, see some ´live music´etc. Of course, it was pouring out so we both huddled under a mini travel umbrella, got completely soaked, and took the metro to some place we can´t pronouce. We arrived safely at George Payne´s Irish Rock Cafe, which was quite cozy and nice inside. We ordered a knockoff of the Applebee´s appetizer sampler, but it definitely didn´t measure up. Basically, it was like 5 forms of french fries, and McDonalds chicken nuggets for 16 euro...essentially like 25 bucks. Awesome. It was pretty tasty, but overload on the potatoes. We then sat at our table for another 3 hours sipping on some beer and smoking cigs from this machine that took a rocket scientist to figure out. Carla took a sidetrip to the bathroom and went into the boys bathroom and only figured it out when she received disapproving nods from the men in the bathroom. Note: she was completely sober and thought it was a unisex bathroom (??) The live music was basically a bad spanish elvis cover band with other random johnny cash and shit thrown in, but it was a little taste of home and kind of nice. One hot guy talked to us, and then some old, married english dude bought us beers and talked to us about spanish motocross for about 30 minutes and how we are going to have a black president. we were like hell yeah and he was like ew, which was very rude.

Once we finished our beers we went outside to catch the metro home and to our shock it was CLOSED. Mind you it is still pouring out, so we stood bewildered in front of the closed metro station hugging each other for about 5 minutes, when we looked down the stairs to the metro and saw a dark figure hovering behind the gate staring at us. We were terrified and ran to the safety of our good old George Payne, where two REALLY hot dudes laughed at us and told us we either had to walk in the pouring rain or shell out mad dough for a cab. We chose the latter of course, because we had no idea where we were and all Katie had in her bag was a map of Paris. Not very helpful. We took a cab back to our hostel and have been sitting here on the internet wasting time because we napped today and aren´t tired. We planned on staying in Barcelona for another night, but we found out our hostel is booked so either we have to find a new place for one night or we are just going to take a train to switzerland tomorrow night.

Alright well nothing much else to tell but hopefully tomorrow we will see a few sights, perhaps go to the beach in the morning if its nice, and maybe we´ll be here tomorrow night but maybe not. Wherever the spanish wind may take us.

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