Thursday, June 12, 2008

Vital Things We Thought We Lost

1. Katlins Under Armour

Katlin so kindly loaned Carla her under armour which she wears everyday and basically wont take off. You will see when we upload pictures. The only time the entire trip she has taken it off was during the sound of music tour. The other morning in Frankfurt she realized in the shower that she didnt know where it was and freaked out...came running out and said she had left it. Katie was skeptical because she checked the seats before leaving the bus. Carla found it in her backpack.

2. Katies iPhone

For anyone that knows Katie, they know that this is her most valued belonging. It has been an integral part of the trip, used for texting nana and others, looking up dates, recording important information, quotes, etc. Today we were in an internet cafe and Katie removed it from her bag to check her calendar, and when we came back to the hostel to book another hostel, she went to her bag to check the calendar again and it was GONE. She freaked out, we ran back through the fucking maze that they call Prague city streets and back to the internet cafe. We thought it was gone....but had one hope. Most people know that Katies iPhone has a rather large crack in it. We thought that maybe, just maybe, someone who saw it who would want to steal it would see the crack and leave it where they found it. Well, we walked into the internet cafe and there it was, sitting right where she left it.

3. Each other

This was perhaps the most horrifying experience of the trip so far. Our last night in Barcelona we were at a bar near Las Ramblas, and Katie was getting a drink and Carla went to the bathroom. When she returned, Katie was MIA. Carla hyperventilated and became completely sober. This was approximately 3am, and we had an 8am train to catch, and still had to go back to the hostel to get our bags. Meanwhile, Katie was in the middle of a large street wandering around with a large Namibian man...identity unknown... screaming CARLAAAAAAA. This went on for about 15 minutes. Finally Carla decided to venture out of the bar in search of Katie, and at that very moment, Katie decided to venture down a random street in search of Carla. Our eyes met and we have never been so happy in our entire lives...besides on the sound of music tour, of course. The Namibian man went up to Carla and said We have been looking for you everywhere! Then proceeded to tell us we had to visit him in Namibia. Righttttt. But we found each other and that was a very niiiiiiiiiiice.

We are now in Prague, and stumbled upon some fellow ragers. More on that tomorrow, a byebye!

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