Saturday, June 14, 2008


So, we never made it to a strip club...but we did make it to a gay bar tonight, but we will talk about that later.

After our last entry, we finally got to check into our hostel called Chili Hostel. We went up to our room and started to get settled the way, there were only top bunks left, which with katies ankle was quite a nuisance, to say the least. We were in there for about 20 minutes when this hooligan stumbles into our room, still obviously drunk from the night before. This was 230 in the afternoon...he starts talking to us about all sorts of stuff and was really funny. His name is Nick and he is from Houston...anyway we show him katies ankle and he says that he is an assistant lacrosse coach and knows how to fix her up. He says, Go take a shower, and when you come out, we will have something ready. Katie goes and takes a shower, which was extremely difficult...while at the same time he and Carla cut and rip into strips a small raggedy towel that was in our room. Katie gets out of the shower and comes into the room and he is standing there with a grin on his face, and proceeds to wrap her ankle with strips of towel, finished off with black duct tape. Although makeshift, it definitely helped keep the swelling down. ¨

After all this, we took a nap, woke up, showered, and decided it was time to rage, despite the fact that Katie basically couldnt walk. Carla and Nick went to get beers and Katie stayed behind, and we made friends with these two kids that ended up being from Vandy...Brian and Jeff. They were really nice, and the 5 of us played cards and stuff for awhile before venturing out on the town. Katie didnt want to walk far, so of course that is exactly what we ended up doing. We walked for about 45 minutes before finally ending up back where our first hostel was, going to a club that played all American rap from about 15 years ago. Katie spilled a drink on a Norwegian kids lap and he said...I have 2 words for you...FUCK YOU. She tried to buy him a drink and apologized profusely, but he was having none of it. Brian and Jeff thought we left so they went home, and we took a cab back.

Today we slept until 3 because we all felt like shit, then we went with Nick on a walk around town, to the Communism Museum which turned out to be a bust because it was too we went to the old square where they had huge screens set up for the European Cup, and ate really good kabobs and drank a beer...then came back and napped. Tonight we went bowling with Brian and Jeff which was fun except Katie sucked because she was crippled, but also sucks at bowling..then we wandered around. Some guy approached us on the street with the promise of a really fun karaoke bar, so Carla and Jeff jumped at the chance to sing, and Brian and Katie reluctantly tagged along. They turned out to be right, because when we went in, it was clearly a gay bar, although they advertised it as a sports bar with karaoke. The guy who lured us in spoke very little english, but the one thing he said was...There are a lot of people there, i think....umm...singing is niceee! We got one beer and promptly left.

We walked really far home, and on our way back stopped to get some pizza. This really cute middle aged man was in his shop alone, and got really excited when we came in. We ordered a pizza and he made it fresh for us, and was singing to American pop songs. We were laughing, ate the pizza which was really good, then when we went to pay for it he insisted it was free. We told him of course not, and so he said ok...5 cents. We ended up giving him like double the price of the pizza since we are leaving early tomorrow morning and need to get rid of our czech money.

Tomorrow...well really today...we are taking a 14 hour train ride to Amsterdam. We will be there for around a week...and Im sure we will have lots to share.

Love you guys!

PS. Blast from the past....we were walking in a random square on our way to the bowling place and who do we see watching soccer on the big screen but Dave Baker! We talked to him for a little bit, it was so random. doot doot.

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