Thursday, June 5, 2008

BARCA part 2

hola! yesterday we woke up and took the metro to the beach near Port Olympico. We were only out there for like an hour and a half, surrounded by small teenagers once again. Although 2 of the guys next to us were very attractive so it was okay that they were underage. It was also pretty depressing because all the girls weighed like 4 lbs since they were like 12 so that made us feel old and fat and stupid. We somehow thought it was a good idea to not bring towels, so we laid on the sand which wasn´t very comfortable...Carla was smart and put a shirt over her face...Katie wasn´t and now looks rather like a lobster with a sunglass tan. Sweeeeeet. After we got sick of the beach we took the metro into the center of the city and walked around a bunch. We were followed by a flock of boys with some sort of whistle device in their mouth that made them sound exactly like seagulls...and they walked behind us and cawwed (???) at us and it made us very confused. When we finally realized it was them and not actual seagulls, we briskly walked away. We walked down to Port Vell which was really nice and then took the metro home. We took naps and then decided to hit the town.

Well, lets begin by talking about our delightful pregame at the hostel. Katie was staying in a room with 3 girls from Texas. They seemed really nice but when we asked what they were doing they did the classic ´´ummm we´re not sure yet, hanging out with our friends i think´ friends they meant some of the boys downstairs so that was sketchy. So we took matters into our own hands, went down the street and bought a Rikaloff knockoff bottle of vodka and pineapple juice and settled down on the upstairs terrace with Katie´s iPhone as a source of music. We were having a lovely time by ourselves when our ´friends´decided to ´join´us. They came upstairs with boys in tow, and sat down at the table next to us and pulled out cards AND catch phrase (yes MK, CATCH PHRASE). However, were we invited to play along? No. Did we know all the answers to the questions that the dumb Texas girls didnt? Of course. But noooo, we just had to sit there in agonizing silence as we watched them play our favorite game with no invitation. In the words of Stephanie Tanner...HOW RUDE!

Katie´s iPhone died so we used Carlas ipod and weird headphones turned up all the way to listen to music, although it was drowned out for the most part by the stupid table next to us. Finally the guy from the front desk who seemed nice asked us if we were going out and we said sure. They were having some sort of thing where if we all went together we could get into some place for free. So we went along with everyone, met 2 kids from VA beach who were actually nice and talked to us, and followed everyone to some unknown destination on the metro.

We got to this bar that seemed pretty cool but it was clearly where all the hostels brought their American kids to all get together, so basically everyone there was from the US. It was pretty fun but the drinks were ridiculous...a vodka cranberry was like 11 bucks. Not sweet. We met some really nice kids from Chicago and Argentina, and went with them to this other club. This is when things turned sketch. The ¨nice¨guy from the front desk turned out to be super creepy and was like molesting Katie, so she asked one of the guys from Chicago to pretend to be with her so he would leave her alone. Didn´t work. She had to dodge front desk man all night and it was really gross and sketchy. We walked to some other club, we had absolutely no fucking clue where in Barcelona we were. The club was semi trashy and not very crowded, so we stayed there for a bit and then went and hung out with our Chicago friends at their hostel until wee hours of the morn. Some random asian kid just came back from amsterdam and had a nice selection of nug so that was rather lovely.

Since we got essentially no sleep last night, we slept all day today which was good because it was pouring out anyway. We just woke up and are trying to figure out when we are leaving barcelona, where we are going next, and what the hell we are doing with our lives for the next month. Suggestions welcome. We suppose we shall go out again tonight, why the hell not. We may skip Nice because the weather is supposed to be crappy, and might just go straight to Germany, or to Switzerland, or Austria. Sidenote to herd members, you know who you are... we are doing the SOUND OF MUSIC OFFICIAL TOUR. It is probably the thing we are most excited for on our entire trip. It consists of taking a bus around to all the places from the movie while LISTENING TO THE WHOLE SOUNDTRACK. What could possibly be better!!! We wish you guys were here...we´ll definitely take some videos.

Okay we´ll write more tomorrow...tata!



lizziefet said...

hola chicas! i hope you two are having an amazing time on your adventures! my sissy did abroad in barca so i asked if there was anything neato that she would suggest for you to do...she didnt have much to say bc she was all distracted but
1. the jewish quarter is cool
2. the french quarter has really good food
3. park gulle has an amazing sunset
4. if you get off on the metro at the town or stop of sitges theres a great beach named sints estacio that you should go to. when you first get off the metro theres a huge market where you can buy food and just bring to the beach all day.

okay well im excited to continue reading about your trip. keep up with your sketchtastic stoes, they make me laugh. okaaaaaaaaaayyy marvelous!

love lizzie

emily said...


emily b

Carla and Katie said...