Friday, June 13, 2008

Strip Clubs, broken ankles, and Communism OH MY!

Hello everyone! So, Prague is really awesome. There is this sweet place that is the Prague version of bagel place called Bohemian Cafe. Clearly, Katie orders the bagel club toasted on an everything bagel except here it is called a supreme bagel. We finally went to a mall where we bought some nice clothing at H&M haha...we went to a sushi place later which was really nice as well. The night before we met these boys from Chico State which is located in California in the common room of our hostel. They had already drank a huge bottle of Jager and were getting pretty rowdy. They proceeded to tell us that their school was ranked #1 party school 3 years in a row so we knew they were ready to rage. Ofcourse we forgot to get their contact information but they were really fun to hang out with. One of them was named Mike Ramsey and looked and acted and talked like Diamond which was really weird but, we love Diamond so it was really entertaining and fun.

So, we went out the first night with Ramsey and Co. and reminised about Nickelodeon shows like Salute Your Shorts, Pete&Pete and ALL THAT with Lori Beth was really entertaining. Then everyone randomly got the hiccups except for Carla. She just started trying to scare everyone as best as she could and it really did not help. It was rediculously entertaining for her though. We got back to our hostel and continued to party in the boys room where Katie decided to lean out this huge open window when we were on the 5th floor. Not the time or place Katie.

The next night we went out and this is where Katie might have broken her ankle. We havent gone to the hospital yet because we a. dont want to pay for a taxi and b. are confused about how hospitals work here...eventhough Katie has been through the whole Kirkbride broken arm scare in Italy. We were all out at this awesome bar that looked like a metro stop. Zach- someone already stole our idea about making a metro stop a bar! Anyway, it was this really really cool bar and we were all dancing when Katie fell off this stoop and crashed to the ground. Carla just thought that she had fallen like usual so she just kept dancing. Soon she found Katie pointing to her baseball-sized ankle and tears ROLLING down her face. Carla immediately started crying as well. The Chico boys were really nice and carried Katie up the stairs and we got a taxi home. When we got back to our hostel, Katie called Nicole, Michele, Notzon, and her mom...which probably cost an arm and a leg and all those conversations consisted of her saying HELP WHAT DO I DO I BROKE MY ANKLE OW SHIT. Carla had no clue what to the other people sharing our room were awoken to all of this and started yelling at us. Huge rediculous mess.

This morning, Carla had to carry two huge backpacks around and looked like a damn fool. Katie was hobbling behind her and Im pretty sure people thought we were out of our minds. Alas, I think we may be venturing to a strip club tonight to drown our sorrows away and then end our stay here in Prague by visiting the Museum of Communism. That shall be a real treat especially if we take Pams advice and get Katie a wheelchair.

The Internet is free in our hostel thank god so well update you all tomorrow on our last couple days in Prague soon.

Hope all is well!

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