Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Hup Holland, Gay Sex and Deutschland

Hellooooo! We are in Berlin now for a few days but we have to finish talking about our week in Amsterdam.

Friday we decided to just stay in...we went to this American bookstore and got some books, Katie read 5 Harry Potter books much to Carlas disgust, and we just chilled out before Saturday night. Saturday was the big quarterfinal match between Holland and Russia in the European Cup, so we went with Carlas cousin Jochem (pronounced a very weird way) to this place that was essentially like Bentleys for dinner and drinks while watching the game. It was a really good game and went into extra periods, but then Russia scored 2 unmatched goals and Holland lost...everyone was really pissed but we just went out with Jochem and his friends and raged. We went to all these shitty bars but they were really fun, got hamburgers out of this weird vending machine that is like a wall of heated windows, and you just put in a euro and then open this little door and take the burgers out. Genius. After that we wandered around to all these different bars, and then Jochem dropped us off at the night bus at Central station. We had taken the night bus before so we knew where to get off, but it was 4am and both of us were so tired that we decided to take a little 'nap' on our way. Well, its about a 15 min ride from Central Station to our stop, and we woke up at about 5am and realized that we were veryyyyyy far from where we were supposed to be. Katie asked the guy sitting in front of her where the Hogeweg stop was in relation to where we now were. He laughed, and said 'put it this way...if your stop is in the East Village, we're in the Bronx.' Great...Carla went back to sleep and Katie sat up for the next 45 minutes praying that the bus would eventually turn around and head back into town. The man told Katie not to get out of the bus because a. we were in a really bad area and b. it was in the middle of fucking nowhere. Finally around 545 we got back to our stop and got back home and went to bed. Our original plan was to leave Amsterdam on Sunday but we decided to just wait one more night and leave early Monday morning. So we just hung out Sunday, had a nice dinner with Carlas aunt and uncle and then left for Berlin Monday morning.

We got to Berlin around 530, and made it to our hostel by about 630. The hostelworld website said that our hostel 'couldnt be more centrally located' but that was a damn lie. We are way out the S-Bahn far from walking distance from essentially anything, so that sucks. The hostel is pretty nice though...but anyway so we get to our room and there is this Swedish kid named Thomas sitting in there with a bottle of WODKA, as they call it here. Katie was checking her email at the time, so Carla started talking to Thomas and he told her the most pathetic story ever. He was from Sweden but had lived in Australia for the past year, where he met his German girlfriend and had been dating her for 7 months. They decided to move in together in Berlin, so he went back to Sweden, got all of his stuff, said bye to his parents, and came to Germany. Much to his dismay, 3 hours before he arrived, she dumped him. Poor kid!! Carla didnt know what to say, but he seemed to have a pretty positive outlook on life despite the fact that he just got dumped. He told us 'she was just a possibility, but now she is not a possibility anymore, and i will find another possibility!' We commended him on his attitude, and told him we would hang out with him and have a fun night. In comes Hugh and Mark, two absolutely precious 17 year old boys from Scotland. We felt like we were hanging out with our little brothers, but they were really cute, and one of them reminds us of the boy from the movie Notes on a Scandal, if any of you have seen it. They convinced us to go with them to this other hostel called Wombat, which apparently had cheap drinks and a rooftop bar with good views, so we just agreed to go and check it out.

It ended up being pretty fun, there were lots of people there and we played pool and stuff, and might we add we won 2 games against teams of boys. HA. This is also where we first met STEWIE. He was a beligerent Aussie, of questionable age, who insisted on buying us shots of jaeger and forgot our names like 2000 times throughout the night, and ended up just calling Carla Claire the whole night. He was really entertaining though. The trains stop running at 1am so we just got beds at this hostel and slept there since it was really late and we didnt feel like dealing with any more night bus bullshit. We got split up since we made the reservation so late, so Katie got put in one, normal room, while Carla was stuck with a room full of dudes again. They were this group of uber-republican George Mason kids, and of course the entire room ended up in a heated political debate for awhile. Eventually, everyone 'fell asleep' except for Carla, which is when it started. She was on the top bunk, and felt the entire bed start to shake. She was very confused because the entire room was full of guys except for her, and no one else had come into the room. She then remembered that upstairs two of the George Mason boys had been awfully friendly with each other, and she was horrified to realize what was going on in the bed below her. Although she never saw anything or heard conclusive evidence of the hanky panky going on, she knew it was happening. She is currently still recovering from the ordeal.

Today we woke up, got a train back to our hostel and slept til 3. Then we went and walked around central Berlin and got a really fattening dinner of Chinese food. We are about to go back home, do laundry and sleep more, as we have a full day ahead of us tomorrow. We are going to go to the Berlin wall, then the thing that we have been looking forward to for the past few weeks. On the train one day we were 'reading' this magazine in German when we came across this article with huge pictures of this GIGANTIC indoor waterpark, complete with wave pools, waterslides, etc. We thought...WE MUST GO HERE. We were really sad when we found out it was near Berlin because we didnt think we were going anywhere near here......but now we are here and we are absolutely definitely going to this thing tomorrow. We couldnt be more excited and dont care that we will probably be the oldest people besides parents. WHATEVER. Okay well we will write again in a few days....miss you all!

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