Sunday, June 1, 2008


So, We are in an internet cafe right now and the keyboard is all jacked up and letters are not in their rightful places so this is going to be a short one. The . has to be typed with the capslock on hahaha! We just got out of the sex and the city movie and we were so very happy it was in english not we booked our flight but was not sure where we were staying so roy helped us out and got us basically a 5 star hotel for three nights in the left bank for free...thank god. We took this bus to Belfast and then we had to take another bus to the airport but we didnt have pounds so the bus driver let us on for free which was nice. There were two adorable kids sitting infront of us that refused to stop laughing but they were so cute we didnt really mind. wow, this keyboard fucking SUCKS.

Last night we got two bottles of wine and drank them before we went out....needless to say we both were drunk and not sure where we were headed. We started watching this european version of boiling points and laughed our asses off. It consisted of 5 boys in a library taking turns doing gross or painful things and the other 4 trying not to laugh. Trust me, it was hilarious. It turned out to be a pretty standard night with Katie getting emotional and deep, smoking hookah and forgetting to pay the tab, and drinking beers the size of our heads. (katie stole one of the glasses to prove it)

Today we slept til 3 because we were really hungover and katie refused to get up from the bathroom floor because it was a cold surface. However, once we did get up we walked around Paris and Carla got to see the Eiffel tower yay!! We saw about 100 rollerbladers on the street today which was a peculiar sight to see, but one talked to us and he may be telling us where to rage tomorrow night which will be nice.

Carla does not like French people because of many are a few:
1. They are mean
2. They only wear neutral colors
3. They think they are gods gift to the world
4. They have sticks up their asses
5. She does not like the way they smell

Katie on the other hand loves Paris and the people.

We think we are leaving for Barcelona on Tuesday but, might stay an extra night in Paris with a French couchsurfer named Jose...we will tell you if that turns out ok question mark
6. The keyboards are really hard to use and dont contain question marks.

Okay well it is like 2 in the morning and we have got a full day ahead of us so, we will write more later!

Au Revoir!!


emily said...

carla. i agree. i hated the french.

and i will have to show you my emails from when i was in europe. i typed like it was a normal, american keyboard and made the idiots i was writing to have to decipher. haaaa


jess said...

haha katie good thing you didn't fall and hit your cabesa when you stole that beer glass ;)

miss you guys!