Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The Hostal Situation


So raging through Europe continues. Yesterday we had a wakeup call for 8am and didn´t wake up until 1pm..woo. Clearly using our time in Paris well. When we finally dragged our lazy asses out of bed we went up to Montmartre where Sacre Coeur and the Dali museum are, and walked around a bit. Then we went to the Musee d orsay but it was closed cause it was monday, so we just walked up to Notre Dame and then went back to the hotel. We thought were were going to go out so we bought a 12 pack of Carlsburg, except we came to discover we had no bottle opener. Thinking we were tricky, we tried opening the bottles on every surface in the room...Katie even tried prying them open with tweezers which resulted in a nasty gash in two of her fingers. Finally we used Carla´s travel toothbrush lighter- style and opened them easily. Our plan was to nap then go out, but we never made it out of our room. HOWEVER we did stay up and watch our favorite program we described earlier which we found out was called ¨Fist of Zen¨ and then watched South Park, Greys Anatomy and Armaggedon all in French. WOOOO raging last night in Paris.

This morning we woke up and traveled all day to BARCELONA!! We are here now in our hostel which brings us to....the HOSTEL situation.

We arrived at a different train station than originally expected so we wandered around for about half an hour, asking about 4 different people where a metro station was. We finally found one and made our way to our hostel, where the woman at the front desk told us we had beds in separate rooms. No big deal we thought, we can handle this. Katie went jollily (is that a word? now it is) to her room where she found out she is staying with a bunch of nice girls from Texas...and Carla went to hers. She went in and knew immediately by the piles of dirty boxers and Men´s shaving cream that she was in a room with ALL DUDES. Original thought- sweet. Afterthought-not so sweet (post script.... katie tells carla that last night in her sleep she was talking and said things about her ass being cold, anthony telling her to fall asleep (who anthony is, we have no idea), etc..) . Carla is now quite concerned she may talk in her sleep in a room full of strange boys which would not be the ideal way to introduce herself. However, when we went to inquire whether Carla could sleep in the empty bunk beneath Katie, the woman at the front desk replied ¨It is not possible.¨Hmmmm oh well. Boys are currently MIA and Carla is very apprehensive for their return.

Since we got in so late tonight, we just went to this restaurant/bar place around the corner where we got some yummy food and a few beers. Tomorrow we plan on doing a little sightseeing and hopefully hitting the beach. We´ll write more tomorrow and let yall know how the sleeping arrangements turn out. A BYEBYE.

1 comment:

carrie murphy said...

this blog is highly highly entertaining. that anthony thing is hilarious! can't wait to find out how cardee's night goes! i'm so jealous you're in barcelona and i miss youuuuuuuuu bothhhh